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‘Reduction in reported behaviour incidences, increased concentration in class, more settled at home. Highly recommended intervention.’

H.Telling, SENDCo Willand Primary School


Open Minds is a programme that develops the practical skills that are essential for emotional self-regulation and well-being.
The more schools and families use this approach the better equipped children will be to face an ever changing future.

Dr Rob Long, Chartered Psychologist

‘Open Minds courses provide children with a wonderful opportunity to learn skills for maintaining positive mental well-being. The mindful games and activities help children to understand the relationship between their thoughts, feelings, and actions and learn how to manage difficult emotions when they arise. With children facing more stressors and complexities in their lives than ever before, these tools are fundamental to building resilience, promoting self-confidence and emotional strength.’

Dr Louise Clegg, Chartered Clinical Psychologist & Founder of Calm Strong Minds

‘This work is very bespoke. The children’s well-being and self-worth is at the heart of all of the activities.’

C Hill, Headteacher, Sidbury

“Thank you for making a direct and measurable impact on the lives of young people using our service.“

A Hill, CEO, Pete’s Dragons (Charity)

‘The training re-inforced how important mental health is. I love the belly breathing – using sphere breathing with hands under the table for children to use at all times.’

Teaching Assistant, Culm Valley

‘This programme has made a real difference. The children respond quickly to the warm relationship Helen develops with them. The children are definitely calmer, more focused and able to manage their feelings more effectively as a result of this comprehensive intervention.’

SENDCo, Starcross Primary School

‘Since Helen has been working with the children, there has been a noticeable change in the children’s willingness to discuss how their emotions are acting as a barrier to their learning. As a result the increased sense of self-worth enables the children to engage confidently in the classroom.’

Headteacher, Duchy School, Bradninch

“This work has provided my child with an amazing set of skills to help her understand how her brain and emotions work and to find it within herself to become calm and thoughtful. The personalised , gentle approach skilfully helps children find peace and perspective, helping with relationships, building self-esteem and aiding learning. Skills for life! Thank you so very much!“
Parent feedback from Group Sessions at School


‘These workshops help children find peace and perspective, helping with relationships, building self-esteem and aiding learning. Skills for life! Thank you so very much.’
Parent feedback from Family Sessions at School


‘Many children are now using a range of strategies to manage their feelings, reduce their anxiety and develop their social skills. The parents, teachers and children themselves have all noticed and commented on how much this work has helped them.’

Head teacher


‘My class are able to regulate their responses much more effectively. They choose mindfulness practices independently to help them re-focus throughout the day.’
Class teacher


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